All the reasons for having olive oil before anything else in the morning

All the reasons for having olive oil before anything else in the morning

What are the advantages of having olive oil before anything else in the morning?  How do you have it before your breakfast?  Can you have any type of oil or only extra virgin olive oil?  We’re going to tell you right now that having olive oil before anything else in the morning has many advantages and in this post, we’re going to tell you all of them.

Have you ever tried olive oil before anything else in the morning? It’s almost certain you found it difficult the first time.  We’re not at all used to having it like that, raw.  Without it being on a nice  piece of  toast or on a good salad.

But what is certain is that all medical opinions coincide.  Having virgin olive oil, the food at the base of the healthy Mediterranean Diet  is fundamental for your health.  In fact, the daily recommended intake is three tablespoons of olive oil per day.  And one of them should be before having anything else in the morning.

A piece of advice before we explain why it’s fantastic to have olive oil before anything else in the morning.  Don’t do it with just any type of oil.  Don’t even consider it if it’s sunflower or oil from seeds.  Don’t do it with blended olive oils.

Only do it with the best virgin olive oil, oils such as the ones that we produce at Masía el Altet  No  other, if it’s not virgin extra, will provide you with all the nutrients.  It’s not going to look after your health or your loved ones’  either.

How should you take olive oil before anything else in the morning?

As we said at the beginning of this post, perhaps taking it on its own might seem a bit strange. But if you do  that, all the better.  But if not, you can always fall back on an old trick.

What is it? It’s very simple. And it’s only going to take you a few minutes. Yes, we already know that at the beginning of the morning, we’re all in a hurry and we don’t even have time for breakfast.  But make an effort.  Breakfast, as we explained in this post is absolutely necessary.

Returning to how to take olive oil before anything else in the morning.  You can always mix it with a bit of warm water and a squeeze of lemon.  It’ll  certainly be easier that way.  And besides, when you mix it with lemon, you’re also ensuring a good intake of Vitamin C, one of the most important vitamins, to be found in great quantity in citrus fruit and which is a great helper in the prevention of colds and flus.  It doesn’t cure as some say but it certainly does help in prevention.

And if lemon has these properties, warm water is a magnificent way of cleansing the body.  So, if you opt for this solution – not at all crazy and highly recommendable – you’ll kill two birds with the one stone.

The advantages of taking olive oil before anything else in the morning

Right, after that small tip, we’re going to look at all of the advantages of having olive oil before anything else in the morning.  But first of all, consider of one thing.  Many medical treatments are recommended to be taken before anything else in the morning because the benefits are increased. Well, the same happens with olive oil. So, let’s get back to those benefits:

 It cleanses your system

As long as you take extra virgin olive oil like our High Quality which has a high number of polyphenols and antioxidants, you are looking after your pancreas and liver. You will  enhance their functioning and you’ll help  prevent the formation of stones.  You’ll also help with the digestion of fats at the same time.

It protects your heart

The healthy fats which extra virgin olive oil contains are responsible for looking after your heart. In addition, and if you accompany the good habit of taking olive oil before anything else in the morning  with  a healthy diet, you’ll reduce your belly fat.  This fat is what is often responsible for heart attacks.

It helps in weight loss

It’s true.  It’s also true if you only have extra virgin olive oil like our Premium, made from selected olives, you’re not going to lose weight.  But it does help. To lose weight, you know what you have to do.  You have to take in less calories than you burn.  That’s the secret and doing exercise helps a lot.

But it’s also true that when you have that spoonful of olive oil, you’ll avoid fluid retention.  In addition, because it’s a healthy fat, you won’t have that feeling of hunger which you often experience mid-morning or shortly before lunch and which makes you feel anxious and eat quickly. And all that with simply 40 calories which is what a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil contains.  It’s also a good idea to have a piece of fruit mid-morning to prevent that feeling.

It protects muscles and joints

The fats which Masía El Altet’s Special Selection  extra virgin olive oil contains are responsible  for your  muscles and joints being healthier.  These fats have the effect of relieving pain and inflammation.  So, if you have pain in joints and muscles, you have to pluck up courage   and start to take olive  oil before anything else every morning.  For this reason, it’s highly recommended for those people who do sport.

It’s wonderful for your intestines

Finally, but no less important, if you take High End extra virgin olive oil, made from olives grown at an altitude of 800 m, your bowels are going to see the difference.  With this small gesture carried out every morning, you’ll fight  hearburn, constipation and cancer of the colon. Olive oil is capable of eliminating all of the toxins which can damage these organs.

To sum up. If you’re not in the habit of having olive oil before anything else in the morning, it’d be a good idea to start. We’ve told you in this post all the benefits if you do.  We’ve also given you the foolproof tip on how to take it if you can’t take it on its own.  Remember that you have to take at least three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil per day.  One of them before anything else in the morning. If you want to know more properties and benefits of olive oil, you can read this article.

Are you in the habit of having olive oil before anything else in the morning?  What benefits have you seen? Haven’t you tried it yet? Have we persuaded you with all of the arguments we’ve given you? Tell us you impressions in the comments section.

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4 years ago

WOW! thanks for sharing your insights about this discussion. It is great to be informed

Janan Dean
Janan Dean
4 years ago

This is GREAT.!!! I am beyond chronic inflammation. I have fallen bc og seizures and am injured. I’m starting an anti-inflammatory diet, with an emphasis on Mediterranean food.

Thank you for the information. I’m a FIRM believer in using food to heal and help the body. Because of seizure medicine, I can’t lose weight and now I can’t exercise. So food is the place to start.

Thanks so much.

Alice Coker
Alice Coker
4 years ago

Yes, I have been consuming 3 T of Olive oil for 18 months. I lost 10 lbs and my LDL Cholesterol is 100 with a ratio of 1, after being out of control for many years. At 88 my health has improved.

Eldra Hughes
Eldra Hughes
4 years ago

Yes this is something I will start doing and if it helps the body I will continue.