Warm goat’s cheese and wild mushroom salad
For this salad, we’ve gone up into the mountains. We want to enjoy a good goat’s cheese and magnificent wild mushrooms which, if possible, collect them yourself from a nearby mountain. And what a brilliant local flavour you’ll discover!
Since we’re in La Montaña de Alicante, we can’t resist the temptation to make this warm salad with our ‘esclatasangs’which grow wild and beautiful in the Font Roja Natural Park as well as in the Sierra de Mariola Natural Park, two areas of great ecological importance and in exactly the same area as where the olives trees from which we make our extra virgin olive oil grow unconstrained.
So, what are ‘esclatasangs’? Well, in Spanish, you will find them as ‘níscalos’ although in other parts of Spain, they are called ‘robellones’. But what is more than clear is that they are what are most sought after by lovers of local flavours and by lovers of fine cuisine and what are obviously going to give this salad a sublime touch.
- 300g lettuce, rocket and oak leaf lettuce
- 4 eggs
- 200g wild mushrooms
- 100g breadcrumbs
- 100g walnuts
- 2 tbsp Picual extra virgin olive oil
- 1tsp honey
- 2tsp sugar
- A little water
- 2 tsp Modena oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Carefully wash the lettuce, rocket and oak leaf lettuce
- Boil the eggs for 10 minutes and slice them. Put them into the fridge.
- Now is the moment to caramelize the walnuts. Put the honey, sugar and water into a saucepan. When the mixture starts to change colour, add the walnuts. Maintain on the heat for 10 minutes. Then allow to cool
- Sauté the wild mushrooms in a little extra virgin olive oil.
- Prepare the vinagrette with the extra virgin olive oil, a little vinegar and the honey. Add salt to taste.
- Spread the breadcrumbs on top of the cheese and glaze with a drop of oil.
Now is the moment to put it all together
- First the green shoots, oak leaf and rocket.
- Next, the finely sliced egg.
- Then, the wild mushrooms.
- After that, add the vinagrette.
- On top of the vinagrette, the cheese and the caramelized walnuts.
And now you have everything to enjoy this salad!
To make this salad, we have selected Masía El Altet High End Oil since, because it is 100% Picual, it reminds us of the aromas of the countryside and is the most appropriate to accompany our ‘esclatasangs’ and probably the best olive oil in the world. It also goes really well with different types of lettuce and rocket.
As you can see, this is a really simple recipe but full of individual delicacies, each of which contributes to a whole, allowing you to enjoy the aromas of a salad which has, as its centre, a love of the flavour of the mountains.