Warm salad with goats cheese and wild mushrooms
This salad is a real pleasure for our taste buds. It’s true that there are a lot of steps to follow but the result is is exquisite. The starting point is an autumn product, our wild mushrooms, and we will dress practically all of the ingredients with extra virgin olive oil. Taking these ingredients into account, the best extra virgin olive oil to use is of the Picual variety. But let’s explain how to prepare this sophisticated salad.
- You will need about 300 g of mixed tender green shoots from lettuce, rocket, lambs lettuce
- 4 eggs
- 16 crab sticks
- 200 g of wild mushrooms ( esclatassangs or rovellons according to the area)
- 4 slices of goats cheese
- 100 g of breadcrumbs
- 100 g walnuts
- 1 teaspoonful of sugar
- 1 teaspoonful of honey
- A little water
- 1 dash of Picual extra virgin olive oil
- Modena vinegar or oil to taste (or you can leave it out completely)
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- What you have to do first is give the green shoots a good wash, the lettuce, the lambs lettuce… It’s certain that you can buy it ready-prepared in supermarkets but an extra wash won’t go amiss.
- Place on a large plate.
- Now boil the eggs. It’s better to put them into cold water which then comes to the boil. After 10 minutes, take them off the heat. Don’t leave them for longer because the yolks will go black. Slice them finely. Set aside.
- For this salad, we’re going to caramelize the walnuts. Heat the honey, water and sugar into a saucepan. When they start to change colour, add the walnuts. Leave on a low gas for 10 minutes. Leave to cool. It’s better to put them onto greaseproof paper.
- Now, we’re going to wash the wild mushrooms. Put the extra virgin olive oil, preferably of the Picual variety, in a pan. Sauté the mushrooms until all of the water they produce has disappeared. Add salt and put them onto a griddle similar to if you were going to grill them.
- When they’re ready, prepare the vinagrette. For it, you’ll need 3 dessert spoons of extra virgin olive oil and one of vinegar. Add two spoonfuls of honey and season to your liking.
- Put the breadcrumbs onto the goats cheese and brown lightly in a pan on a low gas. Add another spoonful of extra virgin olive oil
- Now, we’re ready to assemble the salad with all of the ingredients we’ve prepared. The green shoots, rocket, etc… which are on the plate. Cut the crab sticks into cubes and place them on top.
- Now it’s time to add the sliced egg, the grilled wild mushrooms and the vinagrette. On top, the cheese and finally, the caramelized walnuts.
The effect of this combination is really pleasant on the palate. A salad, which as you see, needs a lot of preparation, but which is really worth it. We’d like to recommend you to use Masía El Altet High Quality olive oil which contains 60% Picual and is one of our most award-winning olive oils. If you want to give it an even more intense flavour from the Mountains of Alicante – where our olives grow and where our extra virgin olive oil is produced – you can also buy honey from the Mountains of Alicante.
Source Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/vaionnoth/6862875155